View Profile Pillullis

36 Movie Reviews

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Plz make more...

I want to see whats next, plz make more, k?

Nice work...

Legendary Frog in the fellowship? Foamy? LMAO!!!

Piconjo looks awesome as Sauron, he is more famous now... Thanks! Keep working!


No more words are needed... Good!

So damn true...

Bush is an asshole, he should be sent to the war to see the atroccities he is comiting...

Nice work...

Yeah, it was a nice work... Maybe you should add more cats. ^_^

Insulting Piconjo doesnt make you popular...

Your monkey-thing guy is nice, but trying to gain popularity insulting someone with better flash skills than you doesnt work...


Nice.... But Piconjo has a strange voice...

Its me again... Ha!

"Only because you are a Piconjo Fan" you said to me once... Well, I must admit is true, your movie "MD confession" was a bad ripoff of Piconjo Confessions, altrought you are a Piconjo Wannabe, this movie is indeed good, Piconjo pwns all others artists (I am not saying that the other artists sucks, only saying that Piconjo pwns them), and so pwns Pico. Nice work.

Moonlight-Dragun responds:

meh. guess that means we're cool now? lol =)


I was expecting something better but o well...

Graphics (5) : The first Flash was nice, but the other ones just are stick figures and JPEG image with a moving mouth.

Style (5): A menu could help, to choose the scenes.

Sound (5): ... Meh... It doesnt sucks but neither was a great thing.

Violence (5): I give this a "T" Ranking (Teens) for the blood.

Interactivity (0): A play button is'nt great thing.

Humor (7): Some humor was nice, like when Piconjo gets hit by the rock, but other, like LF Revenge, was nothing too great.

Overall (6): You are better than me making flashes indeed, but you should train more to make better flashes.

Oh, and Bahamut7... This is more a Piconjo Tribute or Piconjo Parody than a Anti-Piconjo flash, I am a piconjer and I enjoyed watching this.

No matter what or who...

Piconjo Pwns j00
Piconjo > J00

But over all things... Remember...


Olde-School-Industry responds:

first off, thanks for the review, i got flash about a month ago and i figured this could help me get better at it, i also want 2 say that it leans more towards an anti-piconjo flash then an acual parody, i'm not gunna rag on piconjo though becuz he does do good work and is capable of makin great flashes, i'm just not a fan

also i would have really liked 2 put a menu in and a scene selection, but like i said i'm new 2 flash and dont know how 2 do it for sure

anyway thanx for the review

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